Class 1
Welcome to our Class 1 page!
The Year One team includes Mrs Beard and Mrs Ellis who job share. Mrs Beard works Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Ellis works Thursday to Friday. The team also includes the following teaching assistants: Mrs Meadows, Miss Baker and Miss Dawson. Mrs Atkins will be teaching music on a Friday morning.
The children need to bring a water bottle into school every day and they can bring in a healthy snack for break time.
In Term Three, our PE lesson will take place on a Tuesday morning.
Children should wear their PE kit on these days into school but should wear a school jumper over the top. PE kit should include:
- Black shorts or jogging bottoms.
- Team colour T-shirt.
- Black trainers.
- School jumper (no hoodies or other jumpers)
Forest School
We are lucky enough to have weekly Forest School session on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Christmas. Please wear PE kits on this day into school with a school jumper over the top.
Things to remember:
Please bring in your reading book and yellow reading record every day.
Homework is due in on a Wednesday and will go home on a Friday.
Please name all belongings so that we can return them to their owners if lost!
Key Dates for Class 1: Term 3
- Term begins Monday 6th January 2025
- Safer Internet Day Tuesday 11th February 2025
- Fencing Enrichment session Thursday 13th February 2025
- End of term Friday 14th February 2025
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email:
Here is our class timetable for this term:
8.30-9.00 |
9.00-10.00 |
10.00 – 10.15 |
10.15-10.30 |
10.30-10.50 |
10.50-11.40 |
11.40-11.50 |
12.00-1.00 |
12.50-1.00 |
3.00-3.15 |
Monday |
5 a day Register |
Maths |
Whole School worship |
Break |
Phonics |
English |
Story |
Lunch |
Handwriting |
RE |
Challenge time
Story Stickers |
Tuesday |
Handwriting Register |
PE (with ZP 9.00 – 9.35) |
Picture News |
Break |
Phonics |
English |
Story |
Lunch |
Topic/Art |
Challenge Time |
Guided reading |
Story Stickers |
Wednesday |
5 a day Register |
Church worship |
Maths |
Break |
Phonics |
English |
Story |
Lunch |
Guided reading |
Forest School (PPA) |
Story Stickers |
Thursday |
Handwriting Register |
Maths |
Choral worship |
Break |
Phonics |
English |
Story |
Lunch |
Science |
Challenge Time |
Guided reading |
Story Stickers |
Friday |
5 a day Register |
Music 9.30-10.00 (PPA)
Celebration worship |
Break |
Maths |
Story |
Lunch |
Computing |
Challenge Time
Story Stickers |
Here is our Term 3 class letter which tells you what we will be learning this term...
Here is all the important information you will need to know about Year 1...
Home Learning
Class 1 Homework Menu
Term 3
This term our topic question is, ‘Did all castles have moats?’ We will be learning about different castles and what they were used for.
Here is a menu of homework ideas for this term. Please can your child complete a minimum of 5 tasks over the course of the term. Homework should be returned on a Wednesday. Please encourage your child to write in pencil and complete their work neatly.
We look forward to seeing what you choose!
Thank you for all your support in your child’s home learning. Please come and ask if you have any questions.
Mrs Beard and Mrs Ellis
Use these tricky words to help you practise your handwriting:
Research animals- what does herbivore/carnivore/omnivore mean? Can you draw an animal that fits in each category? What is different about the animals from the different categories? |
Can you find any analogue clocks at home or in the outside world? I wonder if you can tell us what time the clock shows. |
Build your own castle. You could do this using Lego, Minecraft or any other tool you can think of! |
How many different castles can you name? |
Can you draw or paint your own castle? |
Write down the seven days of the week! Maybe you could even tell us what you did on each day using a sentence! |
Write your own story in the style of the Gruffalo! |
Research and write three facts about castles. |
Write your own winter poem! Use your senses to help you. What can you feel? Touch? Smell? Hear? See? |
Create your own instructions with how to make a jam sandwich. |
Find something in the natural world to draw in your homework book. This could be a tree, a leaf, or even a river! The choice is yours. |
spellings to support little wandle t2.pdf
Key Instant Recall Facts
To help develop children’s fluency in mathematics, we ask them to learn Key Instant Recall Facts each half term (for Year 1 this starts in Term 2).
Children should aim to practise their KIRFs at least 3 times a week.
Please see attached this term’s list of KIRFs which are aligned to the new maths curriculum. They are intended to be challenging and where possible the children will be taught the necessary maths in lessons beforehand.
If you have any questions about how to help your child with these at home please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Number bond quizzes - Starting in Term 4
Maths facts weekly quizzes
- Each child will be given a sticker in class when they have achieved each level.
- Platinum certificates given out in celebration worship.
- Each year children should repeat all levels in their key stage group to retain knowledge.
- If a child completes all levels in their key stage, they can then repeat each quiz in 90 seconds.
- Children should get a standard amount correct (e.g. 18 out of 20, 28 out of 30, 48 out of 50) twice before moving on.
Maths: Support and Guidance for parents
Here are some websites that we use in class to support our Maths learning that you might like to try at home...
Here is the long term plan for topics we cover throughout the year...
maths long term plan year 1 24 25.pdf
English: Support and guidance for parents
Here is the writing checklist we use in Year 1. This is what we are working towards including in our work...
Here is the sound mat we use to support our writing...
This is what we aim for in our handwriting...
To access a range of e-books, you can use the Oxford Owl resources. Here are the Class 1 log in details:
Username: teamsp1
Password: Class1
Phonics information