Class 5
Welcome to our Class 5 page
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful break!
PE lessons this term will be on Tuesdays. Children are welcome to wear their PE kit on these days but should wear a school jumper over the top. PE kit should include:
- Black shorts or jogging bottoms.
- Team colour T-shirt.
- Black trainers.
- School jumper (no hoodies or other jumpers)
On Mondays, Class 5 will have forest school so will need suitable clothing and footwear in school on that day. Please ensure children still wear their school jumper on forest school days.
Mrs. Clark Murphy will be your teacher all week. The Class 5 team also includes Miss. Tunmore.
See below for some information about what we will be learning about this term:
You will need these things in school everyday:
- A named water bottle (please make sure only water is brought to school)
- A coat, gloves, hat and scarf (all named please)
- A healthy snack such as fruit or carrot sticks for break time (please no crisps, biscuits or chocolate or anything with nuts)
- Monday 6th January - First day back in school for the children.
- Wednesday 15th January - Class 5 worship in the church.
- Wednesday 22nd - DT day.
- Friday 7th February - Viking workshop day.
- Friday 14th February - Last day of term.
To contact Mrs. Clark Murphy, please either contact the school office, or email using the address below:
Homework will be sent home in a separate book on Thursday afternoons. It should be brought back into school the following Wednesday to be marked. Each week children should spend 20 minutes completing a maths activity and another 20 minutes completing an English activity. There will also be an optional topic activity to complete from a grid of ideas. Each week children should also spent some time practising their weekly spellings, termly KIRFs and times tables.
Term 3 - Viking topic homeworkSpellings
Spellings will be tested on Friday mornings. If you are unsure of your spelling group check the front of your spelling book or ask Mrs. Clark Murphy. To help you learn you spellings have a go at some of these activities:
- Draw a picture and hide your spelling words inside.
- Type out your spellings, using different fonts for each word.
- Write your spellings in different coloured pens or pencils.
- Cut and stick letters from old newspaper and magazines to write out your spellings.
- Write a silly story and try to include all your spelling words
Spelling groups are re-assessed each term so your child may move between groups. Spellings will be sent home on the first day of term with the name of the group your child belongs to. If you have any questions or need to know which group your child is in please email Mrs. Clark Murphy at
Times Tables
Children in year 5 are expected to know all their times tables facts (both multiplication and division) up to 12x12. Make sure you keep practising, regularly at home to help you in your maths lessons. If you need any ideas to help you practise, please get in contact with Mrs. Clark Murphy.
We will be continuing to quiz the children every week on their times tables facts in school.