GSO Test

Class 6

Welcome to our Year Six class page! 

The Year Six team includes myself, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Atkins and Mr Wood. Mrs Campbell is our teaching assistant, Mrs Atkins will be teaching music on a Tuesday afternoon and Mr Wood will be teaching the class on Friday afternoons. 

The children need to bring a water bottle into school every day and they can bring in a healthy snack for break time.


In Term Three, our PE lesson will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that the children have their PE kits in school on this day. 

Children are welcome to wear their PE kit on these days but should wear a school jumper over the top.  PE kit should include:

  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms. 
  • Team colour T-shirt. 
  • Black trainers. 
  • School jumper (no hoodies or other jumpers)


Homework will be set on a Friday and it will be due back in to school by the following Wednesday. If your child finds any of the homework difficult, please feel free to contact me and we can go through this with your child at school. Spellings will be given at the beginning of term and the children will then be tested on a Friday morning. 


We believe that Reading is so important to help children with their overall learning across the curriculum and to inspire their creative writing! Children in Class Six should read for fifteen minutes a day to support their reading fluency and comprehension skills. Please record this in your child's reading record, we are aiming for all children to read at least four times a week. Please let me know if you need any recommendations for fantastic books! 

If you have any questions and wish to contact me, please either contact the school office or email me at:

Best wishes and thank you for your support, 

Miss C Oakley

Class Six Teacher


Key Dates for Year 6: Term 3

  • Monday 6th January - First day back in school for the children. 
  • Wednesday 8th January - Class 6 worship in the church.
  • Friday 14th February - Last day of term. 

What will we be learning about this term? 



To contact Miss Oakley, please either contact the school office, or email using the address below:

Transition into Year Six Leaflet


Term 3 Timetable



On this page you will find helpful information about the English curriculum in Year Six.

Here is a Grammar and Punctuation Mat with definitions and examples for Year Six:


Here is a list of 50 fantastic recommended reads for Year 6 children:

Below is a copy of our Year 6 Editing Checklist for writing. This includes the features that children should be trying to include in their writing so that they can reach the end of KS2 national expectation. 


Please remember to practise your spellings each week. We will have our spelling tests on a Friday. 

Term 3 Spellings:

Blue group/Mrs Campbell's group spellings:


Purple group spellings:



On this page you will find more information about how to support your child with maths learning at home.






 In Year Six, the children should complete one Maths and one English homework task each week. There will also be an optional topic homework based on the children's current Geography or History learning. 

Homework will be given out to the children every Friday and it is due back in to school the following Wednesday. 

Term 6 Geography Homework: 


*Maths and English homework will be given out weekly.