Our Curriculum Intent
In Rainbow class, we instil a love of learning, using both the classroom and outside all year round to create awe and wonder about the world. We visit the forest school weekly, which helps to create resilient and independent learners. We have the city centre on our doorstep so we make as many links within our curriculum to go out and enable world citizens with our youngest pupils. Our curriculum is taught through a mixture of adult directed tasks and child initiated time however we also plan from interests and ideas the children have based on the ‘In the moment’ planning approach. We use development matters and birth to 5 documents to ensure our curriculum offer is current and progressive getting children to the end points by the end of the academic year. We aim to help children with their transition into school life and make them feel happy, safe and successful as learners, ready for the next steps in their learning journey through St Peter’s. We celebrate children’s successes on tapestry, which are shared with parents and encourage them to share wow moments with school too. We also have a board outside the classroom, which demonstrates the latest learning, and wow moments across the curriculum. We value different cultures and experiences and celebrate different festivals throughout the year.
In Rainbow Class we use Tapestry which is an app that allows us to record learning that has taken place in the classroom. This will be through photographs, comments, quotes and video and is individual to each child. This allows us to build a personalised learning journey for each child during their first year of school. This can also be accessed at home so parents can comment, like and see what we have been up to! It is also allows parents to upload their own photographs and comments of activities, celebrations and learning done at home which will help to build a whole picture of each child and will contribute towards meeting the Early Learning Goals. Every term the teaching team will set Love to Learn Challenges to complete at home and upload to Tapestry.
For further guidance and support when using Tapestry please see our Rainbow Class page.
Progression in Early Years
This document is based on the updated (as of April 2021) EYFS statutory framework set by the Government and will be in place from September 2021.
For more information about the EYFS curriculum please take a look at the following documents: