Useful SEND Documents
The following key documents will help you find out more about how we help support children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) at St Peter's.
Our Annual SEND Information Report 2023-24
sen information report july 2024.pdf
Whole School Provision Map:
Our SEND Policy:
St Peter's Dyslexia Policy:
dyslexia policy nov 2023 nov 2026.pdf
Further relevant policies can be found on our Policies page.
National and Countywide Documents
The following links will take you to key documents relating to countywide and national approaches to supporting children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) at St Peter's.
The Local Offer (this details provision made by Kent County Council for children with SEND and contain a great deal of useful information and resources for parents and carers.
Kent's SEND strategy
Mainstream Core Standards (this is a Kent document detailing the provision that should be available for children with SEND in mainstream settings).
SEND Code of Practice (this is the statutory document that contains government guidance for the support of children with SEND).