Our Curriculum Intent:
At St. Peter’s, our curriculum intent is to ensure that mathematics is taught daily and that children will have the opportunity to practise their skills across the curriculum. All children are exposed to fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks in order to deepen their understanding of core mathematical principals. This is supported through a CPA approach or ‘build it, draw it, solve it’. Our curriculum uses White Rose as its basis, however, important concepts are revisited throughout the year. Guided, self-differentiation is widely used to support a growth mindset to mathematics. Children are also taught to recall key mathematical facts through the use of KIRFs (Key instant recall facts) that children use both in school and at home. The use of outdoor learning is promoted throughout the school to support the use of mathematics outside of the classroom and to promote a positive attitude to maths and build the children’s confidence.
How Maths is taught at St. Peter's
Our Yearly Overviews
Progression in Maths
Our Calculation Policy
Useful documents:
- Yearly KIRFs are available on class pages.
- Bar modelling parent handout
- Bar modelling parent workshop presentation
- Maths quizzes overview
How to videos:
Below are 'How to' videos that explain how different maths concepts are taught in class. These can help when supporting your child with their homework or KIRFs practice. They are also available on class pages.
Reception (Rainbows)
Year 1
Year 2
Fractions of amounts
Multiplying and diving by grouping
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Adding and subtracting decimals
Expanded long multiplication
Year 6
Adding fractions with different denominators
Subtracting fractions with different denominators
Photo Gallery