Our Curriculum Intent
Through the teaching of R.E. at St. Peter’s, our Christian values are embedded in both lessons and in our expectations of each child’s unique place as a member of our school and wider community.
Our R.E. curriculum is designed to develop inspired and curious children who become committed to life-long learning and ultimately safe, happy and secure citizens. Pupils are also provided with multiple opportunities to think critically, explore and discuss their beliefs through regular use of 'deeper thinking' or next step questions. Ultimately we want our pupils to receive a high quality religious education (RE) curriculum that is rich and varied, enabling learners to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of a range of faiths and world views.
St Peter's follows the Kent 'Understanding Christianity' Schemes of work, as well as several distinct Methodist Units provided by MAST (Methodist Academies and Schools Trust). We begin each term's unit with an overarching 'Key Question' e.g. 'Why does Easter matter to Christians?' and then use individual lessons to explore this big question in depth.
Alongside the teaching of Christianity, children study units on other major world faiths (provided by the Kent SACRE) and we welcome visits from parents and faith leaders to talk about festivals and celebrations- visits to places of worship e.g. the mosque at Kent University help to complement classroom-based activities.
We enjoy close links with our Methodist church, where we are able to take part in the main Christian festivals, and the minister works alongside teaching staff to facilitate interaction – be it in the church, the school hall and on the playground.
Our Yearly Overview
Progression in RE
Photo Gallery
The Big Frieze was created by the children of St.Peter’s, alongside the staff and students at Archbishop's Primary School in Canterbury. It is on display in our reception area as you enter the school. It illustrates seven of the core concepts explored in the Church of England's Understanding Christianity materials. Effectively, this presents a view of the 'Big story' of the Bible.
The Big Frieze enables children to become aware of the wider context of each concept, unit and text studied in Understanding Christianity. Reminding children regularly of where a particular text occurs within the 'big story', by pointing it out in the Big Frieze, helps to build up a coherent understanding of the core concepts and the relationship between them.
The Holy Trinity learning: