GSO Test

School Improvement 24-25

We have FIVE main areas to our school improvement plans this year. They are:

  • Quality of Education
  • Behaviour and Attitudes
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership and Management
  • Further developing the Christian distinctiveness of the school


What is our priority?

We aim to continue to develop our curriculum offer for the school so that is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or high needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

We are going to do this by:

Making sure our assessment for science and non-core subjects is improved and consistently used across Year 1 to 6 so that it informs planning and to identify gaps effectively.

Ensuring that breadth of coverage/sticky knowledge/relevant skills across all year groups and subjects are progressive, without any overlap, building or developing on prior knowledge or skills. We will do this through monitoring our medium-term plans.

Continuing to improve the percentage of children passing their phonics screening in Year 1 and Year 2.

 Embedding a team approach to provision so that all children receive a consistently high quality of education for the best outcomes.

 Further embedding an enquiry-based approach in Science, RE, History, Geography subjects and Forest School so that our children become curious learners.

Developing the procedures to embed parental involvement in planning and reviewing for children with SEND.


What is our priority?

 We aim that our pupils will be ready, respectful and safe at all times.

We are going to do this by:

Improving whole school attendance and persistent absenteeism to be at least in line with or better than national average by the school taking appropriate, swift and effective action to address pupil attendance and lateness. We will implement our new attendance policy that we have shared with parents.

Ensuring consistency of staff with the implementation of our behaviour policy across the school environment and introduce the new school rules of ‘Be ready, be respectful, be safe.’

Further improving our provision to support the well-being of SEND and vulnerable pupils through the creation of a new supported learning space and staff training on de-escalation strategies.


What is our priority?

We aim that our high-quality curriculum offer further enhances pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

We are going to do this by:

Enabling our children to be able to describe their understanding of the fundamental British Values so preparing them for life in modern Britain effectively. We will do this by linking them to all subjects where appropriate.

Providing opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests beyond that of the school day so that pupils appreciate these and make good use of them. We will do this through our OPAL provision, after school activities sourced by subject leads to enhance talents and interests and enrichment days throughout the year.

Continuing to develop pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy through our trained Well-Being Ambassadors and staff training on how to support children’s mental health.

Re-establishing the school Eco-team.


What is our priority?

Our leaders have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality education to all pupil.

We are going to do this by:

Continuing to increase and embed current opportunities for parent/carers to be involved in school life/learning and create a whole school approach for parental engagement.

Further developing middle leadership so that the team is empowered and confident to continue to drive forward the whole-school improvement strategy, resulting in improved outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged pupils.

Our Governors ensuring that the school has a clear vision and strategy, that resources are managed well and that leaders are held to account for the quality of education.

Through coaching from the Senior Leadership team for all subject leads through the process of action planning and in subject data analysis to be able to establish effective targets.


What is our priority?

We aim that our school will promote the personal religious development of all pupils.

We are going to do this by:

Ensuring our school’s theologically rooted Christian vision enables pupils and adults to flourish by incorporating the All We Can resources into our collective worship plans so that we further engage with global issues.

Ensuring our curriculum reflects our school’s theologically rooted vision by developing our outside prayer space.

Embedding our RE curriculum to ensure that it is effective and that our collective worship enables our pupils and adults to flourish spiritually.


We hope that you find this useful and informative. If you have any further suggestions or questions, please contact me.

Mrs Kristina Dyer