GSO Test


 Our Curriculum Intent

The teaching of Science at St Peter’s promotes children’s understanding of the world around us. We believe that the best Science lessons are practical, open-ended in nature and link to real life contexts within children’s lives. Children are encouraged to investigate their own ideas and conduct a variety of experiments, using a wide range of equipment.

Links between other subjects such as Maths and English are used in the recording of data and explaining ideas in a logical way. Our lessons are not limited to the classroom – wherever possible, teachers enhance the learning of their classes by conducting lessons outside, including our wildlife area. This aspect of outdoor learning teaches the children to be team players, build resilience and develop into scientific thinkers.

Each year group covers an aspect of Physics, Biology and Chemistry over the year. Where possible, these topics are linked to other aspects of the curriculum to ensure a balanced programme of study.

 Our Yearly Overview

subject yearly overview science.pdf

Progression in Science

Progression document

White Rose Vocabulary Progression Document

White Rose Curriculum Map

Photo Gallery