GSO Test

Speaking & Listening

Our Speaking & Listening Curriculum Intent

We believe that the skills of speaking and listening are essential in developing effective, curious and resilient learners. Therefore, speaking and listening are core to our curriculum and underpin not only the development of reading and writing but also the wider learning journey for all learners.

How is our Speaking & Listening Curriculum Intent implemented?

In line with the National Curriculum (2014), we teach the statutory requirements set out in the English Programme of Study which underpin all aspects of spoken language. These are reflected and contextualised within the reading and writing domains. We seek to create opportunities where new vocabulary can be acquired and rehearsed orally in relevant contexts. Further, we create opportunities where we model and encourage all learners to engage in discussion and debate in a meaningful and respectful way, thus developing life-long skills deepened through links with the core British Values. Through promoting the use of drama in our classrooms, we give children the opportunities to take on and adapt to a variety of roles, thus developing new vocabulary as well as deepening understanding of a character or situation.