GSO Test


This page is the school induction programme for supply agency, parent volunteers, external providers, student teachers, visiting students and work experience students (16+).


At St Peter's Methodist Primary School, the aim of our induction programme is to ensure all volunteers understand and share the vision, values, ethos and practices of the school, feel fully involved and are able to perform well, as quickly as possible.

Effective induction is key to building a culture of continuous improvement. All newly appointed volunteers will receive a programme of structured support and guidance appropriate to their role, ensuring all individuals:

  • Feel welcome and comfortable and integrate successfully into the school

  • Understand the importance of the inclusive ethos and school values at St Peter's and their role in promoting these

  • Understand what is expected of them and are provided with support in meeting those expectations

  • Are able to gain experience within the context of the school vision priorities

  • Are able to contribute to improving and developing the overall effectiveness of our school

  • Are able to meet the needs of the whole school community.


Overall induction is the responsibility of the Senior Leadership team (SLT).


The induction process applies to all newly appointed staff and volunteers and there are specific induction programmes which are designed to meet the needs of the different roles within the school.

Interviews will take place for any volunteers applying independently, i.e. those not applying through any colleges or schools already linked with, or known to, St Peter's Methodist Primary School.  

Records will be kept detailing when the induction has taken place.

Regular evaluation of the induction process and procedures will inform the SLT of the need for further support and of any changes required to them. 


All documents for induction are accessed through our school website.

There are a number of links on this page which you should follow in order. Each link will open in a new browser window and you should close the window when you have finished and choose the next link. One of the links require sound so please ensure that the sound on your device (and headphones, if used) are turned on and working.


Please click on each link in turn below:







Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Part 1
