GSO Test

Young Leaders 

At St Peter's we are committed to encouraging children to take on responsibility and leadership roles within our school community.

Our Junior Leadership Team consists of Head Students and prefects.

During the year they meet with the Senior Leadership Team to share ideas about how to improve St Peter's for pupils, staff and parents. They show prospective parents around the school and help at parent events. 

Our head students



We also have an active School Council, who meet regularly to discuss whole school initiatives and to provide feedback to the leadership team. Each class in years  1 - 6 democratically votes in their School Council representatives at the beginning of each academic year.



Eco Team


What does the Eco Team do?

The Eco Team are elected every September by their classmates and meet regularly to think of ways to care for the environment and the world around us. They decide on areas to focus on throughout the year, such as reducing litter, conserving energy or biodiversity. Pupils in the Eco Team are passionate about ways in which they can make a difference. We are very proud of our work within school and within the local community.

Litter Angels winners: